To access my full CV, please click here!


  • PhD Candidate in Economics, University of Montreal (June 2024)
  • MSc in Statistics and Economics, ENSAE (2017)
  • BSc in Statistics and Economics, ENEAM (2013)
  • Appointments

  • AI and Big Data Research Advisor at Government of Benin Republic (June 2024 -- present)
  • Research Economist, Model Development Division at Bank of Canada (BoC) (July -- November, 2023)
  • Lead Advisor - AI Scientist at AI Global Pros Inc. (October 2022 -- February 2023)
  • Research Economist at Observatory of the Economic Francophonie (April -- June, 2023)
  • Research Assistant for Prof. Karim Chalak (October 2021 -- October 2022)
  • Fund Internship Program (FIP) at International Monetary Fund, SPRLP Department (June -- August, 2021)
  • Research Assistant for Prof. Benoit Perron (December 2020 -- January 2021)
  • Research Assistant at Observatory of the Economic Francophonie (November 2020 -- January 2021)
  • Economic Researcher at Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment (MTI) Global Practice, World Bank (January 2018 -- September 2019)
  • Co-founder & Chairman at KiDs A.I. Inc. (August 2019 -- current)
  • Research Assistant for Prof. Rauh Christopher (August 2018 -- August 2019)
  • Research Officer at International Monetary Fund (August -- October, 2016)
  • Research Grants, Scholarships, Awards, and Fellowships

  • Named a Rising Star in MS & E 2024 (Stanford University)
  • Becker Friedman Institute Macro-Finance Research Young Scholar (University of Chicago)
  • First International Workshop on Interactive Causal Learning, Travel grant
  • FRQSC - Doctoral Research Scholarships (2020-2023)
  • PhD Fellowship of CIREQ and Department of Economics, University of Montreal (2017-2023)
  • MSc in Statistics, Excellence Scholarship (2014-2017)
  • Government of Benin Scholarship
  • Organizing Conferences & Volunteering

  • Co-organizer of 1st CIREQ Interdisciplinary Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Summer 2023
  • Volunteer of 61st congrès annuel Société Canadienne de Science Economique (SCSE), Summer 2022
  • Volunteer of International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE) Annual Conference, Summer 2018
  • Discussions

  • ECONDAT 2024 spring meeting: Economics with Nontraditional Data and Analytical Tools (London, 2024): " Fed Transparency and Policy Expectation Errors: A Text Analysis Approach", Eric Fischer, Rebecca McCaughrin, Saketh Prazad, and Mark Vandergon (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
  • 58th Annual Meetings of the Canadian Economics Association (Toronto, 2024): "Housing Starts Estimation using Machine Learning and Time-Series Methods", Rohan Francis (CMHC)
  • Referee Service

  • African Development Review